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Windhorse Launches Life School, A Group Coaching Program to Address Executive Functioning Challenges

Windhorse Team

There are stretches of high school and early adult life, too, that are almost unparalleled in their level of confusion and complexity.  Responsibilities at home and at school are increasing just as there is additional pressure to be independent, not to mention the unpredictable rush of many big feelings.  Many of us could benefit from having a regular check-in from a thoughtful adult and fellow travelers of the messy middle, the liminal space between one stage of life and the next. 

Windhorse hopes to fill that gap with Life School, a group coaching program that offers encouragement, guidance, and compassionate accountability. It's not group therapy and it’s not private coaching, but a dynamic in-between for those looking for extra support amidst any one of life’s many transitions. Life School will be offered to two groups of folks, 14-18 yr olds & young adults 18+, as a monthly subscription. Participants can come every week, every other week, or drop in as-needed; attendance can be scaled up or scaled down depending on each participant’s need and availability. 

We love questions and curiosities - find out more or submit your questions here.

Life School launches Tuesday, September 3rd. 

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